Call for Participants - International Committee Meeting 2013 > 공지사항

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중앙사무국 | Call for Participants - International Committee Meeting 2013

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 작성일14-06-16 17:30 조회8,870회 댓글0건



Call for participants - International Committee Meeting 2013
We are glad to announce an official call for participants for the next International Committee Meeting (ICM). 
ICM is meant for SCI branches and their delegates, international working groups and everybody else related to SCI at the international policy level. At the ICM a lot of information is given and topics discussed that are of direct relevance to what is happening in our branch or group.
ICM participants as a representative of SCI-Korea must be well prepared and will be able to contribute to fruitful discussions and decision-making.
 - Session: 73rd ICM 2013
 - Venue: Kalavryta, Greece hosted by SCI Hellas
 - Date:11th-16th Dec. 2013
 - Expected number of participants: 0 (as an observer)
 - Financial support: registration fee (accommodation & meals will be provided)
 - The other information: see attached document
If you are interested in participating in ICM 2013, fill in the application form attached and send it by email to and together. In case you would have any comments or questions related to ICM, please feel free to contact us.

DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS 27th of November 2013, 23.59 PM.
We will inform you about the final selection of participants within 
2 days of this deadline.

Those who are selected as a candidate for ICM 2013 will be given an online interview 30th of November 2013.

On behalf of Secretary-General of SCI-KOREA:
Publication Relations Team
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  • 트위터로 보내기
  • 구글플러스로 보내기


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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