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작성자 최고관리자 작성일14-06-20 22:40 조회7,880회 댓글0건


Balkan Update: 18/06/14

cvs bulgaria fund raising event

CVS - Bulgaria, SCI's Bulgarian branch has decided to take action and help raise funds this weekend (June 21-22) to help with the recovery process after the Balkan floods. Here is what they plan to do:

"On this occasion, we are planning to organize a charity sale, the proceeds of which will be donated to Volonterski centar Vojvodine, SCI's branch in Serbia, who during the summer period will organize a series of voluntary camps (with both local and international volunteers). Volunteers will help restore severely damaged homes, clearing public spaces and other activities that can help speed up dealing with the consequences of the floods.

We hope many of you will participate in the event - whether as donors, buyers or even helpers." 

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