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국제협력팀 | Balkan Update

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작성자 최고관리자 작성일14-07-08 23:25 조회7,963회 댓글0건


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As you all know since the devastating floods hit the Balkans, Volunteers’ center of Vojvodina SCI Serbia has been actively engaged in the nation-wide mobilization of NGOs and volunteers!

Continuing with the their hard work, SCI Serbia will be organizing relief workcamps, in order to rebuild homes, but also to rebuild connections among people, and between people and nature.

We, all of us, will have to be prepared to respond directly or in solidarity to more events like floods, droughts, and weather extremes!

Relief workcamps will take place in Krupanj and Paraćin, as well as trying to organize a workcamp in Bosnia. The idea is to have two workcamps in a row in these municipalities. The type of work that volunteers need to do is physical, mostly concentrated on repairing the damage that was caused by floods. Help is needed in the areas with garbage removal, disinfection, moving the furniture, cleaning, arranging spaces and houses destroyed and damaged by the floods, etc. The idea is also to document it all by taking photos that can be later used for exhibitions, as well as making a film about the people and places after the floods, but also about the workcamps as a tool for direct action in these kinds of situations.  

In order for all of this to take place we need to be highly organised and that is why we feel it would be important to have a volunteer that can be dedicated to focusing on these relief workcamps.

That is why we want to raise money through namlebee, a political and social crowdfunding site in order to be able to support a Long Term Volunteer in Serbia and to help the other volunteers and staff in running Flood Relief Activities. This volunteer is very much needed as there are only two full time persons working for SCI Serbia and they are overwhelmed and overloaded already with the current situation.

Our funding goal, 2500 Euros, will be used to roughly cover his/her expenses (food, accommodation, pocket money, transport…) for some months while working in relief activities.

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