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국제협력팀 | Balkan Update

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 작성일14-07-17 21:44 조회8,193회 댓글0건


"The joyful happy, free collaboration of men working and living for each other - that is the true miracle which can bring about all other specific miracles." - Pierre Cérésole

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As you know in May, Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia battled the region's worst flooding since modern records began. Three months' worth of rain fell on the region in a three-day burst, creating the worst floods since rainfall measurements began 120 years ago.

Observed from the air, almost a third of Bosnia, chiefly in the northeast, resembles a huge muddy lake, with houses, roads and rail lines submerged. About a million people — more than a quarter of the country's population — live in the worst affected areas.

All the areas that are effected by floods at the moment require physical reconstruction, cleaning and more. At the same time, people who were evacuated and lost their belongings are going and will be going through tough times in terms of psychological recovery. There are a lot of things to be done in the region.

So VCV's and VCZ's idea is to get together and set up workcamps in Bosnia that would deal with various types of work - reconstruction, cleaning, support and activities for youth and children.

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On 20th Jun 2014, a group of activists from Volunteers' Centre of Vojvodina SCI Serbia and Volunteers Centre Zagreb SCI Croatia started their travel to Bosnia. With the goal of meet potential organizations willing to organize the first SCI workcamp there.

We met with Katarina and Jasmin from the NGO Proni in Brčko, and with Admir from the Youth Council in Orašje.

We were sitting by the Sava River, the one that is connecting all of us and the one that will bring regional volunteers together to work together in the region, and through their deeds show solidarity to each other.

We agreed on the two workcamps that will happen in the second half of August. One in Brčko and one in Orašje. Soon we will have more info on the dates, the exact work and specific details.

Be ready to join us!

If you have ever wondered what the letters "SAVA" in SAVA WG mean, well, here you are:

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