중앙사무국 | Common statement from SCI-Serbia
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작성자 최고관리자 작성일14-10-21 11:10 조회9,693회 댓글0건첨부파일
- Joint statement from PVN Albania and SCI Serbia October 2014.pdf (250.9K) 122회 다운로드 DATE : 2014-10-21 11:10:52
SCI-Serbia에서 SCI 회원들과 아래 내용에 대해 공유하고자 합니다.
Dear SCI world,
as the Serbian branch, along with our friends from PVN Albania, we want to share with you our common statement that comes as our answer to the recent outbreak of fierce nationalism, violence and ethnic tensions initiated by the EURO 2016 qualifying game on October 14, 2014.You might have read about the football game that was abandoned at half time. It had a big echo in international media, whether on the sports pages of newspaper and sports section of news, or on the black pages, international politics, perhaps even in the "believe it or not" section. However, the aftermath is barely transmitted outside our borders and we want to point this out and share our concerns about the current situation.
You can Google more for recent outbreak of violence and hatred that is happening locally. Attached to this mail you will find our joint statement and we would appreciate if you share it among your activist and volunteers.
Both PVN and VCV are on your disposal for any further questions and remarks.
Volunteers' Centre of Vojvodina - SCI Serbia
Šafarikova 29, 21000 Novi Sad
Phone/fax: +381 21 528 644
Phone: +381 63 11 828 04
mail: office@volontiraj.rs
Volunteers' Centre of Vojvodina - SCI Serbia
Šafarikova 29, 21000 Novi Sad
Phone/fax: +381 21 528 644
Phone: +381 63 11 828 04
mail: office@volontiraj.rs
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