First SCI Tool Fair in Vienna > 공지사항

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국제협력팀 | First SCI Tool Fair in Vienna

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작성자 최고관리자 작성일14-11-13 01:10 조회8,782회 댓글0건


Dear friends all over the SCI world,

this is Mauro writing on behalf of TP - The Pool of Trainers and Facilitators - to inform you that from 6th to 9th November SCI Austria hosted in Vienna the first SCI Tool Fair supported by the members of the TP. The project was financed by the Austrian National Agency of Erasmus Plus (K1 - Exchange of youth workers), whereas the SCI Jucker Mauderli Fund allowed us to invite 2 extra participants from SCI Malaysia and SCI Hong Kong, making a total of 31 international participants from 11 countries.

According to participants' feedback, the Tool Fair was a success and the demand for a second edition in 2015 is already pressing. 
Besides experimenting new educational tools, we had the possibilities to exchange information and knowledge regarding new methods and perspectives to be used in our non-formal education projects. The Tool Fair consisted of 8 parallel workshops, 4 plenary sessions and an open space featuring 9 additional group sessions. In the coming days, we count to upload such tools on the member areas of SCI international website and to illustrate the contents also on a specific section in our TP website (

In the mean time, if you are curious to know more, we have already produced some video material that you can find here:
(two great videos created by Sam from SCI HK)

You are also invited to join the Facebook page of the project, where you can find pictures and another short movie of the Tool Fair.
The link to the FB page is this:
Feel free to download and disseminate the videos on your SCI branch websites. 

If you have any question about the Tool Fair, do not hesitate to contact the TP using the mail: 

Warm greetings 
Mauro and TP
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